3 Ways To Embrace The Job Search Process In 2021

Whether it’s by choice or from circumstances beyond their control, there are a lot of people beginning the new year on the job hunt.

Depending on an individual’s approach, starting the year on the job search can bring with it a renewed sense of purpose. But for others, it can be a very challenging way to kick off the year.

I won’t lie, job search isn’t quick and simple. But, it doesn’t have to be a miserable process either! I recommend that everyone on the job search find a way to embrace the process.

I know this sounds easier said than done, but by changing just a few habits, you can not only embrace the process, but excel at job search.

Commit To Learning The Process

When it comes to the job search process, you can’t just wing it by searching for a job here and there and applying to every opening you come across.

Many people struggle in the job search process because they don’t know how to do it correctly. School teaches us everything except how to find a job. It’s essential that you take some time to learn about the job search process before you actually start applying for jobs.

The job search process isn’t rocket science, but like any skill (and trust me, job search is a skill) you need the training and resources to do it well. By doing the research you’ll learn that you just can’t apply to every job opening – otherwise known as the “Spay & Pray Method.”

Instead, you need a job search strategy that includes an interview bucket list of 10-20 companies that you want to work with, along with a networking strategy to make important connections within those companies.

If you have no clue what anything in the above paragraph means, that’s a major sign that you need to commit some time to learning about the job search process.

There are many great resources online that can help you with this, including this newsletter and my company, Work It Daily.

Make Job Search Part Of Your Routine

I’ve written extensively about how to fit the job search process into your routine, but here’s a really simple way to do it.

Multiple studies show that on average people spend one hour a day scrolling mindlessly on social media. Are you one of those people? If not social media, is there an hour in your day that could be put to better use?

Start out by investing 10-20 minutes each day into learning about the job search process, and from there you can build a more robust routine for your job search.

Whether it’s physical fitness or learning a new skill, people usually find a way to fit these goals into their daily routines if they want them bad enough. With the job search process, you must be willing to invest the time.

It’s All About Your Approach

I mentioned at the beginning of this newsletter, how a person approaches the job search can go a long way to determining their ultimate success. 

If you consider the job search process an obligation that you must get through to find employment, a means to an end, you may find that the process is a grind and struggle. In addition, if you’re not properly motivated, you may not be willing to go the extra mile needed to get the most out of the job search.

I encourage job seekers to view every job search as an opportunity. Obviously the ultimate goal is to find a job, but there’s a lot of other value you can gain just from the process. For example, some of the connections you make along the way can turn into important professional relationships that lead to job opportunities in the future.

Perhaps most importantly, the knowledge and confidence you gain from conducting a proper, and successful, job search stays with you and you can hit the ground running the next time you’re on the job hunt.

Speaking Of Job Search, Would You Like An Extra Boost?

Work It Daily is holding a virtual event, How To Write A Resume & Cover Letter, on Wednesday Jan. 13 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. PT). For only $5, Work It Daily Founder, J.T. O’Donnell, and Head Professional Coach, Ariella Coombs, will teach you how to write an effective resume and a disruptive cover letter that will get you job interviews.

You should make a career plan―here’s how

An increasing number of people are opting to ease themselves into retirement by winding down and taking on a less demanding role rather than stopping work abruptly. Whether they need the money to boost a modest retirement income or simply want to keep active and engaged, a period of ‘pretirement’ has become the new normal for many people in their 50s, 60s and 70s, according to research by Prudential. Click or scroll through these low-stress and coronavirus-friendly ‘bridge’ jobs that are ideal for ‘pretirees’.

Figure out what you like

Start with self-reflection. What do you enjoy doing? What do you hate about your current job and want to do less of? Jot down a few notes on a piece of paper. Think of this as a rough sketch and don’t get too hung up on the finer details; your career plan should be flexible enough to accommodate change, both out there in the world and within you personally.

Figure out what you’re good at

One straightforward way of figuring out your strengths is to ask people around you (mentors, colleagues, former colleagues, friends) where they think your talents are and to recount times when they’ve seen you shine. Go back through old emails and try to find a pattern in the positive feedback you’ve received.

Don’t worry about finding your “passion”

Not everyone knows what their passion is—and that’s okay! In fact, psychology researchers at Yale-NUS in Singapore and Stanford University have found that passions are “developed” through hard work and dedication. We aren’t born with them, which makes “following” them or “finding” them impossible if they aren’t at first cultivated through a willingness to explore and develop interests in areas that might not have been that interesting before.

Take stock of where you are

Make a detailed list of your current job responsibilities. This time, get granular. How do you really spend your time? Compare this concrete list of tasks with the lists you made earlier, of your tastes, interests and skills. How similar are they? Now, start coming up with potential career goals that would allow you to expand on where you are now. You don’t necessarily have to reinvent your career from top to bottom; your goal could just be to incorporate more of the things you’re best at into your day-to-day routine.

Consider your transferable skills

Strong communication and research skills, teamwork, self-management and the ability to manage others are skills that are valued in hundreds of positions across all sectors. Imagine which of these transferable skills will be most important in your next role or venture, and work on developing them now, along with the technical skills you’ll need in your particular field.

Use the A/B/Z method

Benjamin Todd, founder of careers website 80,000 Hours, recommends using the A/B/Z method, first suggested by LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, for career planning. It’s simple: you envision a few options for your future, and then rank them based on preference. Plan A is your ideal outcome, in which you hit every green light on your way to your dream job. Plan B is a “nearby alternative.” Plan Z is the backup plan you have in case it all goes to hell—having one, Todd says, will help you mitigate the risks that can come up as you carve out a meaningful career.

Build flexibility into your career plan

80,000 Hours also recommends building “career capital,” especially early in your career when you have the most options available. Working at companies known for their high performance, or doing anything in which you might excel, builds career capital. Studying highly transferable and valuable subjects such as economics and computer science does too.

Consider the job market

It’s important to think about the labor market when setting your career goals. Even if a job sounds like the perfect fit for you, if it’s in a declining industry (such as journalism), it might not be worth pursuing long-term or full-time. On the other hand, be wary of making career decisions based solely on online lists of “fastest-growing jobs”—what’s hot now could change in a few years’ time, so pick something that resonates with you.

Factor in your ideal work/life balance

At this juncture, it may also be worth considering your goals in other areas of your life, such as your goals as a parent, spouse, or community member. Your career doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so take some time to think about the ways your various career options could intersect with your personal life, and plan ahead to help you make the most of both.

Consider hiring a career coach

If you’re considering a career change and suffering from decision-making anxiety, an accredited career counselor can help guide you through your options. Be careful when selecting a professional, though, as some have more experience and credibility than others.

Construct a “rapid prototype”

Believe it or not, you can apply design thinking, a popular methodology for solving problems, to your career plan. A key feature of design thinking is prototyping, and in the case of careers, says lawyer-turned-coach Paula Davis-Laack, the “easiest way to rapid prototype is to have conversations.” Talk to people doing the job you think you might like to do and, if you can afford it, see if it’s possible to take on a short-term internship to try it out before committing to a course of study or a total career change.

Make a rough timeline

It can help to make a flexible timeline for your career, allotting sections for education, entry-level positions, mid-level positions, major projects, etc. If your goal is to start a business, you may want to map out approximately how long it’ll take to get funding, or bring your product to market.

Don’t forget to celebrate milestones when you achieve them! And don’t be afraid to reorganize your timeline if you find, over the years, that it’s unrealistic or no longer suits your goals and desires

Research education options

By now you should have a sense of your overall career direction, so it’s time to ask an important question: does achieving your career goals require additional schooling or technical training?

If you want to be a CEO, for example, you might consider getting a graduate degree in management. Take the time to weigh the possible benefits of accreditation against the opportunity cost and financial burden of full-time schooling.

Prepare yourself for change

Now that you have a rough timeline and a sense of the next steps you need to take to achieve your career goals, it’s time to take the plunge. Putting your plan into action usually involves taking risks, which means it may be challenging emotionally. If you’re making bold moves like quitting your job, make sure you practice self-care and check in with your support network regularly.

Don’t yield to outside pressure

This is also a good time to check in with your motivations. Why are you gunning for a certain role or job title? If you’re putting too much stock into what your colleagues or peers will think of you, consider that this kind of extrinsic motivation can lead to burnout.

By the same token, young job-seekers often end up in the wrong careers because they want to please their parents, only to make drastic career changes later. There’s nothing wrong with stability and prestige, of course, but take a moment to assess your career goals to make sure they align with your values.

Craft a killer résumé or make a business plan

Executing your career plan will probably require a few tools, namely, an impressive résumé or a meticulous business plan. Now that you know where you’re heading (and you’ve made a list of your strengths), it’s time to add a little polish to these documents.


Job-search strategically

When you’re looking for a new job, it’s best to have a system and a schedule. Even if you only have an hour in the evenings to send résumés and make connections, make sure to keep it consistent.


Pay attention to signs you’re off-track

A great piece of advice from 80,000 Hours is to make a list of “check-in points,” or red flags, that will let you know if you’re off-course on your career trajectory. Didn’t get published in any academic journals by the end of your PhD? Were you passed over for a promotion, again? It may be time to look at your career plan and consider shaking things up.

Build a network

Seek out a mentor who can guide you as you move through the various stages of your career. Get involved in professional associations and make friends in your industry. Attend conferences, become active on Twitter in the circles that matter to you, and participate. The stronger your network, the more successful you’ll be.

Review your plan annually

At least once a year, review your career plan and check in with your progress. Turn off your devices and take your time. Have you been achieving the milestones you set for yourself? Are you ignoring any red flags? How are your relationships with your colleagues? If you’ve experienced any changes in your personal life, or if you’re worried about the management or financial health of your employer, use this review to consider your options—and while you’re at it, dream big.

Hiring managers’ advice for landing a work-from-home job

Highlight and Develop Your Remote Work Skills

Work-at-home jobs organize differently from jobs in which every employee works in the same office. If you know how to use Trello, Asana, or Salesforce, that is an asset to remote companies. “I would say that some of the skills that are necessary for remote work that stand out more to employers would be time management, being able to focus on productivity, fluency in different remote work platforms, and also video conferencing,” Grimmett said.

Revise Your Resume For Each Application

You should revise your resume for each job you apply for, highlighting the skills that match each one. When applying for remote jobs, highlight skills that show you don’t need to be in the office to be valuable. “It could be organization skills that can be parlayed into being a virtual assistant,” Swan said. “It could be using your people skills, meaning can you establish pretty quickly a rapport with people.”

Convert Your Office Skills to Remote Skills

You could parlay skills you developed at your last office job into something you do from home. “It might be being a lead generator,” Swan said. “If people have been a salesperson in a retail environment and they can show that they’ve been successful at that, that can be translated into more of a corporate sales environment that is not retail. There may be some hurdles to get over for sure, because it is a different kind of environment, but sales skills are transferable.”

Consider How Your Current Job Could Be Done Remotely

If you’re currently working on location, think about whether you really need to be there. “Of course, industries such as construction will always need to be in-person,” Gilbert said. “If you sit back and think to yourself, ‘If I had the software on my personal computer, I could perform my job duties at home every day,’ then odds are you’ll likely be able to sooner than later. Insurance, finance, sales and marketing, HR, and administration are a few that come to mind that will open more remote work opportunities.”

Transition to the Virtual World as a Professional Assistant

If you have experience being an office assistant, you can transfer those skills to work for someone who might not have an office, such as “small businesspeople or other people who just need somebody to take care of their appointments or keep track of email,” Swan said. “The best thing is if you have some knowledge of social media marketing and scheduling, even from writing skills that you can offer people, this can all be done remotely.”

Great last jobs to do before retirement

An increasing number of people are opting to ease themselves into retirement by winding down and taking on a less demanding role rather than stopping work abruptly. Whether they need the money to boost a modest retirement income or simply want to keep active and engaged, a period of ‘pretirement’ has become the new normal for many people in their 50s, 60s and 70s, according to research by Prudential. Click or scroll through these low-stress and coronavirus-friendly ‘bridge’ jobs that are ideal for ‘pretirees’.

Private tutor

Private tutor roles can offer qualified teachers and other skilled professionals a stress-free pretirement, and as a lot of teaching has moved online because of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s possible to tutor from anywhere in the world. Prepping students for exams one on one or in small groups is nowhere near as demanding as trying to educate a class of 30+ unruly kids.

TEFL teacher

Staying with education, pretirees can also take a course to teach English as a foreign language and take on a job as a TEFL teacher. Qualified TEFL teachers can find online gigs to teach keen language learners, which is great experience ready for when worldwide travel is accessible again – ideal for pretirees with itchy feet.

Income tax planner

Accountants who want to quit the rat race without giving up work entirely may want to try their hand at income tax preparation for self-employed individuals and small companies. This home-based role is rarely busy or stressful, apart from those few days before the tax deadlines.


Many small businesses require bookkeeping services from time to time, particularly as the COVID-19 outbreak has put strain on a lot of companies’ finances. Pretiree accountants or those with bookkeeping skills can offer their services on an ad-hoc basis, and work part-time or seasonally if they wish.

Virtual assistant

Secretaries or PAs with killer admin skills can reduce their workload and stress levels pre-retirement by setting themselves up as a virtual assistant. A job ideal for the current crisis, virtual assistants work from the comfort of their own home, pretty much when they like and don’t have a boss breathing down their neck.

Yoga instructor

Yoga is suitable for any age group, and it’s not uncommon for yoga instructors to qualify in their 60s and beyond. The teacher training courses can be pricey, but they pay off handsomely in next to no time, and teachers can work on a freelance basis as and when they choose. While in-person classes may be limited at the moment, there’s a large online offering for both learning how to become a yoga instructor and teaching your own classes from home.

Virtual nanny

Although people aren’t leaving the house as often right now, parents are still looking for nannies for their children, but the role has certainly changed – it’s now done through a screen. Virtual nannying has really taken off in 2020 as parents try to juggle childcare with working from home. On-screen nannies can’t do practical parts of the job such as snack-making, but they can keep children entertained and out of trouble while the adults are elsewhere in the house

Patient advocate

Fighting for patients’ rights and making sure they get the treatment to which they are entitled is a pretirement option for nurses or older people with an interest in advocacy. Various organizations offer courses and certifications in advocacy for those who are new to the field.

Craft entrepreneur

Pretirees who are good at making things can put their craft talents to good use and create their very own profitable business selling their wares on websites such as Etsy and Folksy. This pretirement role is flexible, super-creative, and can be done from the comfort of your own home.


Airbnb host

If you have some extra space at home, why not put it to good use? The website Airbnb allows you to rent out a spare room, or entire home, and make money from it. Vacationers and business people commonly use the site to find somewhere suitable to stay, and it can be a real money-spinner if you provide a good experience. While people aren’t traveling as much right now, Airbnb is still allowing guests to stay over as long as the company’s COVID-19 policies are adhered to.

Career Development Article on Maximizing Your Career Potential

Professional career development is about contemplating where you would like to go and what you would like to achieve in your work life…and then creating an action plan to achieve it.

Most importantly, it’s about discovering what you’re inborn job skills are, and ensuring they are fully developed as you implement your career development plans.

Professional Career Development Is A Win-Win For Employers and Employees

Career development is becoming an increasingly important aspect of the employment market, not only for the employee but also for the employer.

Organizations are increasingly aware that not only do businesses have their own goals and purposes, but individuals also want to see their aspirations realized.

Although the primary purpose of this career development article is to help employees with professional career development planning, organizations can also benefit by increasing their understanding of what workers want most from a job.

Increasingly successful organizations want to become Employers of Choice.
More and more they are ensuring that individuals can fulfill their personal career development plans within their organization.

‘A company that implemented this philosophy of releasing employees to be their best, is the reputable U.S furniture manufacturer, Herman Miller.

They developed a culture that not only wanted to employee the best designers for their furniture but also gave them incredible license to push the boundaries of design in ways that other manufacturers were not, and would not do.

The net result was an extremely low staff turnover, a company that produced more profit per worker than anyone else in the industry and products that became global leaders.

Herman Miller was rated by the Fortune magazine as one of the Top 10 best employers in the United States to work for.’

And one of the primary ways they are achieving this is by offering professional career development to their employers.
When an organization creates a culture where individuals can proactively pursue their career goals by being encouraged to use their natural abilities and motivations, organizations benefit.

There is no working environment that is more efficient, more productive and happier than one where workers and the work needed to be done, are well matched.
My hope is that these career development articles will encourage both employers and employees to discover and implement this win-win work environment.

Although the number of organizations implementing professional career development over recent years has increased, it still only amounts to approximately 50% of employers

7 Career Development Articles to Maximize Your Career

1. Career Development Theory
An Old Theory About the Way People Choose Careers Makes a Comeback?
Read more…

2. What Is Career Development?
What is career development and why should you be bothered with it?
Career development is simply about deciding that your career is important enough that it should have some type of planning framework associated with it.

3. What are the best Career Development Tools?
There are a number of career development tools that can help you in your professional career development.
Using the right tools can dramatically speed up the realization of your career development plans.
This career development article looks at six different career development tools to facilitate a career change.
Read more…

4. Career Development Coaching: Does It Work?
Is career development coaching worth the investment of your time and money?
This career development article looks at why career development coaching can be a very effective strategy for both employers and employees in achieving their respective goals.
Read more…

5. Six Ways A Career Development Plan Can Help You Achieve Fulfillment in Your Career.
A professional career development plan is instrumental for you to achieve your career objectives.
Of all the career development tools, this is probably the most important.
Read more…

6. A five-year career development plan is often the ideal time frame, to begin with for career development plans as it is a comfortable balance between being not too far out, yet far enough to allow time to accomplish reasonably ambitious career development goals.
Read more…

7. Sample Career Development Plan
Free Worksheet and Instructions on How to Create Your Own Career Plan.
Use the link to this career development article to download a free sample career development plan and use it as a template to creating your own career goals.
This sample career development plan will provide a good basis for you to develop your own plan.
Being able to see someone else’s finished plan speeds up the process of creating your own career development plans.
Read more…

5 Tips to Improve Your Career Development

Career management is a must if you expect to gain maximum success and happiness from the hours you invest in work. You are likely going to work 40 hours a week for your entire adult life, and by managing your career effectively, you can make the best of those 40 hours. https://b8de503017c29e19970fe9188579a904.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-37/html/container.html

Share your goals with your boss and gain a partner who can help you broaden your experience.

Developing your talents and skills will stretch your world and enable more of your unique contribution. This, in turn, can make your career success.


Many employees have not thought past their current job or the next promotion they’d like to receive. They need to broaden their short-term thinking. As employees are promoted up the organization chart, fewer jobs become available, yet continuing to grow skills and experience should still be a priority for people obtaining value from and adding value to their career.

There are multiple ways to experience career growth by investing in your career development and progress:

  • Job shadow other employees in your company to learn about different jobs. This can broaden your skills and increase your value.
  • Explore lateral moves to broaden and deepen your experience. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut. Being able to handle multiple jobs can add variety to what you do and broaden your skills.
  • Attend classes and training sessions to increase your knowledge. New strategies and technologies relevant to just about every career are being introduced constantly. Stay up to date on your job and industry.
  • Hold book clubs at work to develop knowledge, and share terminology, concepts, and team building with coworkers.
  • Seek a mentor from a different department that you’d like to explore. Leaning on someone else’s experience is a great way to gain knowledge and introduce yourself to other opportunities.

5 Tips for Career Growth and Development

Dr. Tracey Wilen-Daugenti, vice president and managing director of Apollo Research Institute and visiting scholar in Stanford University’s Media X program, recommends five additional career management strategies.

  1. Set goals and create a plan to achieve them. Could your career development and management use help to gain momentum? People who are the most successful and satisfied in their careers have proactively determined what they want from work.
  2. Develop a timeline, including milestones. Bringing your boss and their sponsorship and mentoring into the picture will ensure that you have an internal mentor who will help you manage your career.
  3. Utilize company programs. Some companies have formal programs to help employees develop their careers. In others, you will need to informally pursue your career development. Companies with programs generally focus energy on helping employees develop and follow a career path.
  4. Own your career path. A career path can be discussed at several bi-annual meetings with your boss. Some companies demonstrate a deep commitment to their employees by assisting where possible with resources of time and dollars. However, remember that it is your career path.
  5. Write it down. Career paths are recommended for the same reason that goals are recommended. They are the written plan that can help each employee take charge of what is most important to his or her fulfillment and success. Without a plan, you can feel rudderless and you have no benchmark against which you can measure your progress.

Think Strategically About Your Career Development

In a world where the average employee sends and receives 122 emails per day and attends an average of 62 meetings per month, your boss or HR leadership simply doesn’t have the time or bandwidth to properly think through how best to deploy your talents moving forward. Instead, we have to take control of our career planning to ensure we’re putting ourselves in position for long-term growth. Here are four ways to become more strategic about the process.

Force yourself to set aside time. When things get busy, time for strategic thinking is almost always the first to go. “Planning sessions” seem amorphous, and the ROI is uncertain. But going for months or years without regular introspection can lead you down a professional path that you didn’t intend to be on. Instead, force yourself to make time for strategic reflection. Just as you’re more likely to go to the gym if you have plans to meet a workout buddy, you can use the same technique to enforce discipline around strategic thinking. Identify several trusted colleagues and start a mastermind group to meet regularly, discuss big picture goals, and hold each other accountable for meeting them. Having others whom you trust challenge your thinking can open up new ideas and possibilities you hadn’t previously considered.

Get clear on your next steps. Getting clarity around your professional goals — such as being promoted to SVP, starting your own business, or running the Asia/Pacific region — is only the first step. The place where many professionals fall down is identifying the pathway to get from here to there. As I described in “A Campaign Strategy for Your Career,” one technique you can use is “pre-writing your resume.” In this exercise, you put yourself five years into the future and write your resume as you envision it, including your new title and exact job responsibilities. The trick is that you also have to fill in the intervening five years, which prompts you to reflect on what specific skills you’ll need to develop in the interim, what degrees or accreditations you may need to earn, and what promotional path you’ll need to pursue in order to get there. Understanding that helps force your thinking and ensure that you’re taking the right steps (if a master’s degree is required for a position you want in three years, you better start applying now).

nvest in deep work. It can be tempting to invest your time the same way everyone else does — putting in face time at the office, or racing to respond to emails the fastest. At lower levels, that might mark employees as “go-getters.” But as you ascend in the organization, the ability to jump higher and faster becomes less important. Instead, what marks you as successful over time is creating in-depth, valuable projects — whether that’s writing a book or a brilliant new piece of code, spearheading the launch of a promising product, or undertaking a meaningful initiative, like reorganizing the company’s performance review system. That involves a shift from staccato, reactive work into more self-directed, long-term projects (“Deep Work,” as author and professor Cal Newport puts it). Many professionals don’t seek this work out, as there’s no immediate ROI — but the long-term benefits and recognition are substantial.

Build your external reputation. A study by Wharton professor Matthew Bidwell showed that external hires into a company get paid 18-20% more than internal workers who are promoted into similar jobs. (Gratingly, they also perform worse for the first two years.) That’s patently unjust, but it points to an important truth: professionals are often taken for granted inside their own organizations. That doesn’t mean you should jump ship every few years. But it does point to the fact that, even if you’d like to stay at the same company, it’s important to cultivate a strong external reputation so that you have opportunities if you want them, and to remind your boss and colleagues that your abilities are sought after and appreciated by others. Blogging for industry journals, applying to speak at conferences, and taking on a leadership role in your professional association are all great ways to stay visible in your field — both to outsiders and those inside your company who need to be reminded of your talents.

Taking time to think about your career development is obviously important, but it’s almost never urgent, so many professionals fail to take action, year after year. By focusing on these four steps, you can begin to carve out time to be more deliberate, and lay the groundwork for the job you want — five years from now, and beyond.

Changing Careers

The decision to change careers, or vocations, is not a decision to make quickly or lightly.

The more prepared you are for the shift in career focus, the more control you have over the impact it poses to your finances, health and personal relationships. Taking a step back after you make the decision to change occupations is the smartest strategy. Many factors must be considered and assessed before making the leap.

Some of those factors include your knowledge of the new industry in which you plan to enter, your skill set and training, transferable skills and what comprises job satisfaction to you. If you are 50 years of age or older, you may have heard the job market is dire. The current trends do not seem to support this. In fact, older workers with vast experience have advantages to leverage.

Job searching techniques have changed over the last five to 10 years and you must be willing to embrace the new technology, including social media to network and find a new career. Go into the transition with your eyes wide open and you will find it was worth the time and effort you took to make it the right fit for you.

What to Know When Making a Career Change

The first thing to assess before making the transition is yourself. Take a frank look at yourself and ask yourself some tough questions, such as:

  • What made you want to make a change?
  • What are the pros and cons of making a change?
  • What do you want to be different in the new occupation?

Included in asking yourself these questions is asking your family members for input. Your job change is going to impact them as well. Having everyone on board goes a long way towards motivating yourself to move forward on days when you do not feel inspired.

Next, consider the job market of your intended industry. The U.S. Labor Bureau maintains an exhaustive and detailed listing of all occupations and their potential for growth over the next 10 years. It is free to access and worth the click to visit. Before launching into a new occupation, consider the following questions:

  • Is there growth potential in this new field?
  • How much competition is there in this industry?
  • What qualifications do I have that match others in this field?
  • Can I afford to start as an entry level worker in this new industry?

It is critical you do your homework and research before making any kind of decision to change your job. One of the best ways to do this is to shadow someone in the industry in which you are interested. Ask around on social media if anyone would mind you visiting them at work, or meeting with them to discuss what a typical day is like. Find forums designed for workers in transition as there may be additional avenues and job leads you find helpful in this transition.

Do not discount a personal reference from your circle of friends and acquaintances. If asking for a reference does not cause disruption to your current job, utilize this resource. Social media, even private messenger or chat is a great way to reach out to friends for an introduction. Places such as LinkedIn, HubSpot and any industry specific group site offer good research and networking opportunities as well.

Identifying Transferable Work Skills

Ask yourself whether the skills and training you currently have transfer easily to another occupation. Former teachers often find they make great corporate trainers. When reviewing job descriptions, pay attention to any similar skills between the job you are interested in and your current job.

Understanding how to identify work skills that are transferable is critically important when it comes time to construct your resume. Having already identified your strengths and weaknesses, assessing your skills helps to make your resume stronger.

Compare your current resume to those who are already in the industry in which you are interested to see how the skill sets line up. To compare, find sample resumes online. If you find you lack certain skills or training, then you still have time while at your current job to learn those skills, work with a mentor or volunteer to obtain additional experience.

Changing Careers After Age 50

In eras past, workers found a job and stayed with it their entire lives, but the current climate looks vastly different. Now, the average American worker changes jobs, even occupations, often. Many of those changing jobs do so later in life. Interestingly, many workers who are 50 years of age or older often find shifting careers bolsters their retirement security more than if they had stayed with their original career.

One of the reasons the 50 years of age group is increasingly opting to change careers is a shift in priorities. Switching from a strict focus on the financial to personal satisfaction and the attainment of professional lifetime goals is common among people in this age bracket. One thing most seasoned workers understand is finding job satisfaction in a career with growth potential often means the financial rewards follow.

If you plan to change careers and are 50 years of age, now is one of the best times to do so. You must be smart about it and have a plan to achieve success.

How to Use Social Media to Advance Your Career

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and even Pinterest are viable venues for making more money and advancing your career. Not all social media platforms are created equal, so understanding what each offer, and do not offer, is crucial to utilizing them in a way truly benefiting you. Use several key factors to understand how to set up, use and benefit from social media accounts as you plan to change careers.

Practical Tips for Changing Careers

Americans love change, and careers are not immune to this desire for new horizons. Those who successfully recreate themselves and their careers are often willing to share this knowledge. Use strategies already developed and successfully implemented by those who have gone before you to make your transition faster and easier.

How are you going to transition out of your current job into your new one? How do you assess your finances during the change? How can you optimize your new job applications? What is the best practice when constructing a resume or cover letter? Finding assistance and straight answers for these questions, and more, helps you make an informed decision.